Terms of Service

GoBiblio provides a free service and resource for formatting bibliographic citations. By using the GoBiblio website, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service. Our Privacy Policy is considered a part of the Terms of Service.

Use of the Site

The user agrees to make use of GoBiblio only for its intended purpose, which is providing citation and bibliography-related services. You are prohibited from using the site in such a way as to impede its use by others or impede its proper functioning. We reserve the right to take measures to prevent abuse of the site.

Both the user and GoBiblio are entitled to non-exclusive use of citation content entered by the user, as well as citations generated for the user by the GoBiblio site. Such use includes (but is not limited to) reproduction, distribution, and production of derivative works. Users agree not to use GoBibio�s content or content generated by GoBiblio to compete with GoBiblio.

If you register for an account, you are responsible for any use of your account. Keep your password private. We reserve the right to terminate accounts.


GoBiblio will do its best to maintain the accuracy of our citation engine and other information on the site. However, GoBiblio will not be held liable for oversights, omissions, inaccuracies, or errors on our part. GoBiblio will not be held liable for misinterpretation or misuse on the part of users, including (but not limited to) any attempt at tampering with code or URL strings. GoBiblio will not be held responsible for losses or damages resulting from use or misuse of the website, failure of the service, or lapse in availability.


GoBiblio is a product of Franklin and Liwerant, LLC. If you have any questions, you may contact us at info@gobiblio.com.